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cover image of Life After Kafka
Our Mission: Bellevue Literary Press is devoted to publishing literary fiction and nonfiction at the intersection of the arts and sciences because we believe that science and the humanities are natural companions for understanding the human experience.

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Author Magdaléna Platzová and translator Alex Zucker discuss Life After Kafka in Air/Light.

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Deb Baker, Bookconscious

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Leah Hager Cohen

How extraordinary that a place like [Bellevue Literary Press] exists: a literary nonprofit not bound by algorithms and bottom lines, but committed to seeing into the soul of things, to placing in our hands that which may help us better fathom one another and the world.


Award Winning Titles

In William E. Glassley’s’s A Wilder Time: Notes from a Geologist at the Edge of the Greenland Ice, a scientist experiences primordial wonders and the wisdom of solitude in one of Earth’s wildest and most endangered places.