Bellevue Literary Press is committed to promoting active engagement with our books’ themes by taking them into classrooms of all types—high schools, undergraduate and graduate schools, community education halls, and writing programs throughout the country—located anywhere from major metropolitan centers to small-town libraries to prisons. We have collaborated with Words Without Borders to introduce our authors to New York City high-school students, and our books have been featured in university syllabuses, First Year Experience, and Common Book programs. To encourage academic use, we make a selection of teaching guides available for free download on our own website and through special curricula such as the University of Pennsylvania High School Bioethics Project. We also provide free downloadable reading group guides for library and community book discussion groups and have donated our books to women’s prison group reading clubs as well as to Augsburg Fairview Academy Multicultural Resource Library (Minneapolis, MN), Books for Africa, Housing Works, Little Free Library, Project Cicero, Westbeth, Books for Asia, Art Resources Transfer, International Book Bank, DC Books to Prisons, and other nonprofit organizations.
BLP staff and authors participate in a variety of ways at prestigious think tanks, academic institutions, and national and international book festivals and conferences. These include the National Institutes of Health, the National Academy of Sciences, the Brookings Institution, the Center for American Progress, the Brooklyn Book Festival, the Twin Cities Book Festival, Book Expo America, the Frankfurt Book Fair, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association of Writers and Writing Programs, the Iowa Writers Workshop, the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine’s “The Examined Life: Writing and the Art of Medicine” conference, and the annual meeting of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities.
Originally housed at Bellevue Hospital, BLP was established as a project of the New York University School of Medicine within the Division of Medical Humanities. This affiliation allowed us to reach an important sector of our audience: medical students, medical school faculty, and physicians. BLP authors have served as lecturers at the NYU Medical School’s Colloquium of Medical Ethics in the Master Scholars Program, which is the longest standing hospital medical ethics program in the country, founded by Drs. Arthur Zitrin and Alexander Rosen more than 37 years ago. BLP authors have appeared as literary guest lecturers at Medical Grand Rounds at the NYU School of Medicine.
Additionally, we have collaborated with NYU faculty and administrators in other divisions of the university to foster dialogue about “the two cultures” of science and the humanities. The press departed NYU in the fall of 2018 to become a fully independent, nonprofit publisher.
We are always looking for new partners to reach new audiences in new settings.