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The Jerome Lowenstein Consilience Donor Circle

Dr. Jerome Lowenstein, the press’s founding publisher, has been a practicing physician for over four decades as well as a professor at the New York University School of Medicine, where he initiated the Program for Humanistic Aspects of Medical Education. An author himself, he has inspired and shaped Bellevue Literary Press in countless ways.

Members of the Jerome Lowenstein Consilience Donor Circle are sustaining donors who are passionate about exceptional works of literary fiction and nonfiction. This annual membership includes invitations to exclusive events, complimentary books, and other rewards.

Bronze Tier — $1,000–$2,999

  • invitation to private special events with BLP authors
  • 2 BLP books
  • 2 tickets to the BLP fall fête

Silver Tier — $3,000–$4,999

  • invitation to private special events with BLP authors
  • 4 BLP books
  • signed copy of Pulitzer Prize–winning Tinkers by Paul Harding
  • 4 tickets to the BLP fall fête

Gold Tier — $5,000+

  • invitation to private special events with BLP authors
  • build your BLP library with books of your choice—up to a full collection of our books to date (select from
  • signed copy of Pulitzer Prize–winning Tinkers by Paul Harding
  • 6 tickets to the BLP fall fête

Bellevue Literary Press needs you!

Please consider becoming a friend of the press by supporting us with a donation today. Your contribution allows Bellevue Literary Press to publish exceptional literature at the intersection of the arts and the sciences.

Or write a check made payable to Bellevue Literary Press, Inc., and send it to:

Bellevue Literary Press
90 Broad Street
Suite 2100
New York, NY 10004

Bellevue Literary Press is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.

Thanks to Our Supporters

We could not exist without the generosity of the following foundations and individuals.

Big Bangs ($25,000+)
Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Thomas Campbell Jackson & Pamela Brandt Jackson, Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, Jerome Lowenstein, James & Susan Ratner Family Foundation, Daniel Ray & Ellen Gould, Michael Rosen, Bernard & Irene Schwartz Foundation, Arnold Simon Family Trust, Jan T. & Marica Vilcek, Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz Foundation, Mieko L. Willoughby, Loli Wu

Supernovas ($10,000-$24,999)
Amazon Literary Partnership, Ellen H. Block, Lawrence H. Budish, Michael J. Coffey, Alan Hassenfeld, Sylvia K. Hassenfeld, The Hassenfeld Foundation, The Headlands Foundation, Andrew Krivak & Amelia Dunlop, Kenneth G. Langone, Michael & Jamie Alter Lynton, Gerry Ohrstrom, David Oshinsky, Alice & Thomas Tisch Foundation, van Ameringen Foundation, Francis J. Walsh & Donna Walsh Foundation, Lulu Wang

Magnetic Fields ($5,000-$9,999)
J.G. Bhat, Martin Blaser, Stanley Burns & Alice Dana, Catapult, Rodney Cohen, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Ingram Content Group, Carla Krivak Meister, Charles Kyte, Kotresha & Michele Neelakantappa, Bruce Nichols, Scott & Michelle Sanders, Gerald & Ann Weissmann

Galvanizers ($1,000-$4,999)
Michael Anderson, Mark A. Angelson, Jacqueline Aronson, Felice Aull, Ravi Bhooplapur, Michael Boxer, David C. Cassidy, Mitchell H. Charap & Karen Gilmore, Tzili Charney, Jerome Charyn & Lenore Riegel, Council of Literary Magazines and Presses, Carol Edelstein, Joel & Anne Ehrenkranz, Paul M. Ehrlich, Peter & Patricia Elsbach, Leland S. and Jane Englebardt, Lola Finkelstein, David C. Ferris, Samuel C. Florman, Rebecca Gee, Richard & Judith Glaser, William Glassley, Arnold P. Gold Foundation, Matty Goldberg, Elizabeth K. & James E. Goldman, Nathaniel L. & Etta M. Goldstein Foundation, Liz Grefrath, Steve Horwitz & Julie Schaper, Andy Hunter, Perrin Ireland, Gloria Jacobs, Edward Janowitz, Gerald & Priscilla Kane, Donna Katzin, Arthur Klebanoff, Itzhak and Ziva Kronzon, Judith Leiber, Andrea Louie, Ben & Beth Lowenstein, Franco & Anna Muggia, Anthony C. and Elayne K. Mustalish, Herbert Neuman, Danielle Ofri, Ruth Oratz, Charles Petty, Howard and Rina K. Pianko, Tim Porter, Melissa Pritchard, Jerome & Magda Rebhun, Dana Sachs, Benjamin J. Sadock, Myron & Doris Saranga, Deborah Shapiro, Jack A. Somers Living Trust, Svetlana Wachtell, Bradley J. Wechsler, Jeffrey Weinstein, Gerald Weissmann, Richard Wiley, Ronna W. Wineberg

Catalysts ($500-$999)
Stuart Abraham, Michael C. Alfano, Robert J. Anderson, Cecil Spanton & Marie M. Ashdown, Kim Brizzolara, Gerard A. Cabrera, Arthur Caplan, Kim Chinquee, Diane DeSanders, Rose-Lynn Fisher, Jonathan Florman, Holly Gewandter & Nancy Heller, Kayla E. Gluck, Alec Goldenberg, Mircea Golimbu, Kathryn Greenberg, Bert Jacobs, Juliet Jacobson, The Joy Harris Literary Agency, Alan Hirshfeld, Martin L. and Carol Kahn, Jane E. Koehler, Arthur B. and Susan Greene, H. Dale Hemmerdinger, Michael LaCombe, Mark LaForce, Ruth Lazarus, Marguerite & Joshua Lederberg, Deborah Lott, Jennifer Lyons, Vicki Mahaffey, Eric Marcus and Eslee Samberg, Katherine Mathews, Wendy McCain, Jonathan Moreno, Harry Oxenhorn, Mark H. Podwal, Jonathan D. Rabinowitz, Dawn Raffel, Austin Ratner, Constance B. Rubin, Christopher & Patricia Russell, Aaron Mack Schloff, Wendy Smith, The Vilcek Foundation, Ronna Wineberg, Judy Francis Zankel, Matthew Zuckerbraun & Myra Miller

Dynamos ($25-$499)
AXA Foundation, Wendy Adams McCain, Ellen Adler, Henry Alcalay, Alison Alpert, Jacqueline S Aronson, Harold Augenbraum, Ruzena Bajcsy, Malaga Baldi, Phyllis Baldino, Dana Barak, Charles Bardes, Lada Beara Lasic, Aaron H. Beckerman, John Benditt, Robert Berne, Eileen Bertelli, Ronna Blaser, Jonathan S. Blau & Melissa B. Eisenstat, Andrew Blauner, Susan Block Casdin, Bernice Blumenthal, Danae M. Booth, Liza Botkin, Diane Botnick, Michel Boynton, Michael C. Brabeck, Jane Eisner Bram, Leslie Brenner, Lee Briccetti, Lucy Bruell, Irene Buchman, Kathleen Butler, Sarah Butler, Karen Caldwell-Hatler, Elise Cannon, Mary Cappello, Roger Celestin, Terra Chalberg, Ellen Chodosh, Ruth Clapper, William Clark, Muriel Cohan, Rosalie Helene Contino, Jared Crawford, Lucy Flinn Cribben, Lianna Culp, Tony Dajer, Siba K. Das, Raphael & Irene David, Jozelyn R. Davis, Charles H. Debrovner, Diane DeSanders, Robin J. Dibner, Claudia Dreifus, Joanne Edgar, Cia Elkin, Anne Farber, Doris Farber, Eileen & Nathan Feigenbaum, Michele Filgate, Edward A. Fisher, Stuart and Fern Fisher, Sandra V. Fiorelli, Jonathan Florman, Diana Forbes, Moira Fordyce, Arthur Charles Fox, Serena J. Fox, Robin S. Freedberg, Michael L. Freedman, Richard Gaddes, Hannah Ganjei, Mary Gannon, D.W. Gibson, George L. Gibson, Patricia Glynn, Ann R. Goerdt, Carol I. Goldberg, Lola Goldring, Ervin A. Gombos, William John Grassie, Bill Green, Loren Wissner Greene, Lucy B. Grollman, Julie Gross, Will Grossman, Rachel C. Hadas, Robert C. Hall, Jessica Handler, Nancy Heller, Elizabeth G. Hemmerdinger, David Herman, Charles S. Hirsch, Natalie Hodges, Sunhee Juhon Hodges, Maria Homan, Masatoshi Honda, Michael C. Hosokawa, Brigid Hughes, Susan K. Ito, Kristin Jackson, Martin & Irene Jacobs, Alison C. Jarvis, Karen Judd, Henry Kaminer & Ricki Fier, Charlee Kamlet, Herbert Kaplan, Mervyn Kaufman, Bhupender & Kavery Kaul, Judy Katz, Chris Kerr, Robert Kertzner, Kathryn King, Jane Koehler, Jeffrey J. Kripal, Valery F. Lanyi-McDevitt, Sidney Lapidus, Peter LaSalle, M.L. Latiolais, Paula Latiolais, Miguel Laufer, Jeffrey Lependorf, Elizabeth Lerner, Herb Leventer, Ellen Levine, Donald Linn, George Lipkin, Sari Lipkin, Eunice Lipton, Christine Loizeaux, Linda C. Lombardi, Nancy Ludmerer, Gregory Lukianoff, Glenn Lunden, Barbara Luzardi, John MacArthur, Nancy MacFarland Bennett, Susan Malus, Claudia Mangel, Eric Manheimer, Eric Marcus, Richard Marek & Dalma Heyn, Donna Marino, Robert A. Maslansky, Sheila O’Neill Massoni, Kathleen Masterson, Christina Mata, Katherine Mathews, Philip McCaffrey, Suzanne McConnell, Marilyn Mehr, Melville House Publishing, Sander & Irene Mendelson, Anne Mennealy, Wayne P. Merkelson, Ruth Messinger, Debra Meyer, Harriet Meyer, Lynne Mijangos, Molly Mikolowski, Richard H. Millen, Kathryn A. Mintz, Alfonso E. Miranda, Andrea Montejo, Hiram F. Moody, Bruce Morrow, Thomas & Sharona Muir, Marie Murphy-Clark, Marion Nestle, Diana M. Nilsen, Andreas N. Neophytides, Michael & Elizabeth Norman, Varley O’Connor, Lisa Olstein, Patricia Oppenheim, Krista J. Parris, Jennifer L. Peltz, Linda Perlmutter, Siobhan Phillips, Jennifer Pien, Maria I. Pocchia, Marya E. Pollack, Bruce G. Raphael, David Raphael, Rhonda Rasmussen, Chaim B. Reich, Betsy Reid, Frances Richey, Nancy Owen Rieger, Erica E. Rippy, Celia Sachs, Jane Safer, Lori Sarnoff, Karin & Tom Schall, Sarah Schenck, Jill Schoolman, Adam Schnitzer, Neil Schwartz, Emilia Sedlis, Marc Serges, Michele Shedlin & Larry Severy, Scott Siegel, Angelica J. Smith, Ann Ruth Soloway, Gail Spangenberg, Harriet Squier, Cheryl Pearl Sucher, Sylvia A. Stein, Brenda Steinberg, David Steinberger, Sam Stoloff, Patrick Suzeau, Yelena Sverdlova, Irene Swanenberg, Aya Tanaka, Alice Tasman, Gilbert Tauber and Armgard Von Bardeleben, Meredith Tax, Edgard Telles Ribeiro, Gita Thadhani, Sarah Thanhauser, Sabina Thomas, Marcel Tuchman, David Unger, Stephanie Urdang, Jacqueline de Weever, Harold Jay Weinberg, Myung Nam Won, Lisa Mei-Inn Wong, Adam Yarinsky, Sondra Ruth Zabar, Michele Zackheim, Jiri Zavadil, Larry Zelnick & Keren Eisenberg, Alex Zucker, Renee Zuckerbrot

The Jerome Lowenstein Consilience Donor Circle

Gold Tier ($5,000+)
Jerome Lowenstein, MD
Daniel Ray & Ellen Gould

Bronze Tier ($1,000-$2,999)
Mark Angelson
J.G. Bhat, MD
Donna Katzin
Andrea Louie
Kotresha Neelakantappa, MD
Danielle Ofri, MD
David Oshinsky, PhD
Scott & Michelle Sanders

Corporate, Government, and Foundation Support

We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to Proskauer Rose LLP for its generous assistance during our transition to independence.

William Lee Frost, In Memoriam

Bill was an extraordinarily generous supporter of the Bellevue Literary Press. From its inception, he took a genuine interest in our efforts to create a small trade press devoted to issues of health, science, and the human condition. This was not surprising, since he had devoted much of his life to these concerns. He responded to our frequent requests for support and made the publication of many of our books possible.