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cover image of The Delicate Beast
Our Mission: Bellevue Literary Press is devoted to publishing literary fiction and nonfiction at the intersection of the arts and sciences because we believe that science and the humanities are natural companions for understanding the human experience.

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Charlotte Taylor Fryar, author of Potomac Fever, recommends ten books that capture the true spirit of Washington, D.C. at Literary Hub.

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I can’t pretend to know the future of publishing, but I can testify to the astuteness of the staff at Bellevue Literary Press.

Karen Long, Cleveland Plain Dealer

From Our Authors

portrait of Norman Lock
Norman Lock

[Bellevue Literary Press] has the wherewithal to assist writers in the development and refinement of their manuscripts by the scrupulous attention of its Publisher and Editorial Director, Erika Goldman, and her small but painstaking editorial staff; to turn manuscripts into handsome, readable, and affordable trade editions; and to command a reputation for excellence among book distributors, independent and conglomerate booksellers, reviewers, and literary prize committees. . . . To me and to tens of thousands of readers like me who value the truths and beauties, decencies and moral authority of literature, the continuation of literary presses like Bellevue Literary Press is necessary and vital.


Award Winning Titles

Andrew Krivak’s The Bear is a gorgeous fable of Earth’s last two human inhabitants, and a girl’s journey home.