Liam Durcan

Watch neurologist and novelist Liam Durcan discuss The Measure of Darkness here and read more interviews with him in the Globe and Mail and Montreal Gazette.

Listen to Liam Durcan talk about The Measure of Darkness on CBC All in a Weekend.

Tune in to Liam Durcan’s Walrus Talk “Is resilience all in our head?” and read more from him about neurology and the creative process in the Center for Fiction’s SYNTAX/SYNAPSE series.

Read an interview with Liam Durcan on “Straddling the Worlds of Art and Science.”

Liam Durcan is the author of two novels, The Measure of Darkness and García’s Heart, a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers selection and recipient of the Arthur Ellis Best First Novel Award. He lives in Montreal, Quebec, where he works as a neurologist at McGill University.

Liam's Website