Music to Read By: Leah Hager Cohen’s Playlist for To & Fro

“The sound of snow falling on snow. The sound of a pencil moving across paper. The sound of walking. Of a child talking to herself under her breath. Of water—as […]

“The sound of snow falling on snow. The sound of a pencil moving across paper. The sound of walking. Of a child talking to herself under her breath. Of water—as it bubbles up from a spring or laps against rocks. These more than anything else make up the would-be soundtrack of To & Fro. These together with silence, the infinite variety of silences we come to know if we attend closely to the world’s signs and wonders.

But music is a wonder too.

Some music, then –”

Read more about and listen to Leah’s playlist for To & Fro at Largehearted Boy—one of our favorite places on the Internet. It is, in the words of its curator David Gutowski, “all about sharing the love for music, literature, and popular culture.” In the “Book Notes” series, authors create and discuss a music playlist that relates in some way to their recently published book.