Remarkable insight . . . [a] unique meditation/investigation. . . . Jerome Charyn the unpredictable, elusive, and enigmatic is a natural match for Emily Dickinson, the quintessence of these.
— Joyce Carol Oates
A Loaded Gun
Emily Dickinson for the 21st Century
We think we know Emily Dickinson: the Belle of Amherst, virginal, reclusive, and possibly mad. But in A Loaded Gun, Jerome Charyn introduces us to a different Emily Dickinson: the fierce, brilliant, and sexually charged poet who wrote:
My Life had stood—a Loaded Gun—
Though I than He— may longer live
He longer must—than I—
For I have but the power to kill,
Without—the power to die—
Through interviews with contemporary scholars, close readings of Dickinson’s correspondence and handwritten manuscripts, and a suggestive, newly discovered photograph that is purported to show Dickinson with her lover, Charyn’s literary sleuthing reveals the great poet in ways that have only been hinted at previously: as a woman who was deeply philosophical, intensely engaged with the world, attracted to members of both sexes, and able to write poetry that disturbs and delights us today.
Phi Beta Kappa Christian Gauss Award Short List
PEN/ Jacqueline Bograd Weld Award for Biography Longlist
Firecracker Award Finalist
O, The Oprah Magazine “Best Books of Summer” selection
Iowa Public Radio “Summer Book List” selection
Philadelphia Inquirer “Spring Ahead Into the World of Books” selection
Nordstrom’s The Thread “Weekend Guide” selection
Longreads “Best of the Year: Most Popular Exclusives” selection
Ploughshares “Indie Spotlight: Year-end Wrap-up” selection
Big Other “Most Anticipated Small Press Book” selection
Publishers Weekly “Book of the Week” & PW Daily “Review of the Day” selection
Shorewood Public Library “Make Room for Poetry” Top Pick
Book Culture bestseller
Spoonbill & Sugartown staff pick

- 9781934137994
- 9781934137987
Jerome Charyn talks to the Brooklyn Rail about A Loaded Gun, his lifelong fascination with Emily Dickinson, and the art of biography.
Jerome Charyn explores Emily Dickinson’s tradecraft, imagining the poet as a 21st-century CIA analyst, in an exclusive outtake chapter from A Loaded Gun in Stay Thirsty Magazine.
Read excerpts from A Loaded Gun at Longreads and the Literary Hub.
Jerome Charyn is the author of more than fifty works of fiction and nonfiction, including Maria La Divina (forthcoming from Bellevue Literary Press in September 2025); Ravage & Son; Sergeant Salinger; Cesare: A Novel of War-Torn Berlin; In the Shadow of King Saul: Essays on Silence and Song; Jerzy: A Novel; and A Loaded Gun: Emily Dickinson for the 21st Century. Among other honors, his work has been longlisted for the Mark Twain American Voice in Literature Award and PEN Award for Biography, shortlisted for the Phi Beta Kappa Christian Gauss Award, and selected as a finalist for the Firecracker Award and PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction. Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Film Culture at the American University of Paris, Charyn has also been named a Commander of Arts and Letters by the French Minister of Culture and received a Guggenheim Fellowship and the Rosenthal Family Foundation Award for Fiction from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He lives in Manhattan.
visit author page »Praise for A Loaded Gun
In A Loaded Gun, [Charyn] is again out to release Dickinson from the myths that have enclosed her. . . . With essayistic chapters on Dickinson’s mother, her dog, her servants, her photographic image, her poetic fragments—Charyn’s book is perhaps best viewed as yet another imaginative attempt to get to the source of Dickinson’s emotional intensity, and to imagine an ‘Emily Dickinson for the 21st Century.’
[Emily Dickinson] will blow the top of your head off, no matter what century you live in. Charyn looks at a lot of ways to see this revolutionary, subversive, explosive genius.
— Philadelphia Inquirer
Charyn is a man, a New Yorker, living in the twenty-first century, yet he understands this female rebel from New England like no one else can.
— Scranton Examiner
A Loaded Gun is an invitation to meet Dickinson on the dizzyingly high ground of her imagination from a fellow writer who has done just that with his own writing.
— Bay Area Reporter
Charyn has followed Dickinson as assiduously as Alice down the rabbit hole. . . . Is Dickinson gay? Read Charyn’s fascinating thesis and decide.
— Lavender Magazine
An imaginative and unprecedented look at Emily Dickinson that is part biography, part literary criticism, and altogether fascinating.
— Ploughshares
Charyn’s Dickinson is not agoraphobic, not a neurotic, but a writer in charge of her destiny.
— Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly
In A Loaded Gun, Jerome Charyn penetrates to the heart of Emily Dickinson, commonly thought to be a gifted but withdrawn spinster. He explores the ‘demon’ in her, the ‘predator,’ and should make readers go back to her poetry with a new understanding of why she still works her spell in our time.
— Herbert Gold, author of Still Alive: A Temporary Condition and Fathers Verses Sons: A Correspondence in Poems
Jerome Charyn’s A Loaded Gun is a staggeringly brilliant meditation on Emily Dickinson’s life and work, one that will shatter forever the myth of ‘the virgin recluse.’ His shrewd and provocative reading of her life, her loves, and her times allows us to understand in new ways just how Dickinson reinvented the language of poetry itself. One of the great and most original storytellers of our time, Charyn takes us deep inside the mysterious power and glory of Dickinson’s poetry, and into the strange, bold fearlessness of her outlaw life.
— Jay Neugeboren, author of Imagining Robert and After Camus
Provocative, sexy, pulsing with energy, and sometimes outrageous, Jerome Charyn’s A Loaded Gun revisits the subject he ‘couldn’t let go’ after completing his novel, The Secret Life of Emily Dickinson. Tunneling into the poems, letters, biographies, and works of art inspired by Dickinson, Charyn presents the poet as ‘a Satanic, catlike sibyl,’ adept with masks, tricks, and outlaw escapes from convention. Keeping the subjects of the poet’s family, religion, sexuality, and poetic ‘tradecraft’ whirling in the air, he shows us Emily Dickinson as a ‘target who never sits still.’
— Susan Snively, author of Skeptic Traveler and The Heart Has Many Doors: A Novel of Emily Dickinson